Nutritional Differences Between White and Brown Rice

Brown rice contains higher amounts of vitamins and minerals than white rice, except for iron, folate, and it contains the same amount of selenium.
Rice is gentle on the digestive system and generally well-tolerated. Both white and brown rice are naturally gluten-free.
Cooling rice after it is cooked results in higher levels of a fiber called resistant starch. This even applies if the cooked, cooled rice is later reheated. This form of fiber may help promote gut health.
Both white and brown rice develop more resistant starch when cooled after cooking, but brown rice contains more fiber overall.

Overall, brown rice seems to be a more healthful choice than white rice. However, there may be certain situations where white rice is a better choice. Both types of rice can fit in a healthful diet.
While brown rice contains more fiber than white rice, it has less fiber than many other whole grains. This may make it a good option for people who want to add more whole grains to their diet, but do not currently consume much fiber.