
Bioidentical Hormone Pellets and IV Nutritional Therapy in Houston and The Woodlands, Texas

IV Nutrient Therapy
Dr. Birken offers IV nutrient therapy with the Meyer’s formulation.  Developed by Dr. John Meyers, this combination includes many Vitamin B formulations, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Calcium.  Here is an excerpt from Alan Gaby, MD who uses the “Meyer’s Cocktail” for both clinical and research purposes published this article in Alternative Medicine Review in 2002:
Building on the work of the late John Myers, MD, the author has used an intravenous
Vitamin and mineral formula for the treatment of a wide range of clinical conditions. The modified “Myers’ cocktail,” which consists of magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, and vitamin C, has been found to be effective against acute asthma attacks, migraines, fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome), fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasm, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergic rhinitis, cardiovascular disease, and other disorders.

The Myers’ has been found by the author and hundreds of other practitioners to be a safe and effective treatment for a wide range of clinical conditions. In many instances this treatment is more effective and better tolerated than conventional medical therapies.

IV nutrition can provide detoxification of harmful pollutants and optimize nutrients that are depleted in our foods or are poorly absorb orally.

Bioidentical Hormone Pellets
As we age, decreasing hormones can cause changes in both body and mind – weight gain, loss of muscle mass and tone, decreased stamina and endurance, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, reduced libido, and mental fog.  Dr. Birken finds that hormone pellets result in superb results for both men and women.
“The slow and consistent release of hormones with pellets provides excellent clinical responses, Dr. Birken said.  “This includes more vitality, better sleep, increased muscle tone, and helps with weight loss.  Overall, the patient has improved well-being and possibly increased longevity.”

This integrative medicine approach uses complementary and alternative concepts to promote health, wellness, and longevity.  Dr. Randy A. Birken is a board certified and Cenegenics Medical Institute physician.

To view a recent TV interview about bioidentical pellets, click the following link:

For more information about Dr. Birken’s age management medicine and bioidentical hormone program, call 281-419-3231 or email at

BioTE Medical® Bioidentical Hormone Pellets for Women and Men

Chronic fatigue, decreased libido, muscle loss, weight gain, poor sleep, and reduced vitality – could it be your hormones?

“Once deficient hormones are optimized, everything changes, ” Dr. Randy Birken, a board certified physician and certified age management physician with the Cenegenics Medical Institute, said.  “Not only do patients feel well, but I know we’re doing something preventive to reduce age related diseases as well.”

To view a TV news segment on bioidentical hormone pellets, click

To find out more about Dr. Birken’s age management programs, call 281-419-3231 or email at

Bioidentical Hormones – Wellness, Longevity, and Age Management

Age management medicine involves the research and clinical applications of scientific principles to improve the overall health of patients while optimizing physical, physiological, and sexual well-being and to reduce the risks for age related diseases such as heart conditions, diabetes, cancer, dementia, and arthritis.

Dr. Randy Birken is a board certified physician with post graduate training with the Cenegenics Education and Research Foundation.  By using integrative as well as complementary and alternative medicine concepts to include vitamins, nutrition, fitness, as well hormone optimization, a patient can have restore vitality with reduction of chronic fatigue, proper weight loss, improved libido, and sharper memory.

To view a video by Suzanne Somers regarding bioidentical hormones, click the following link:

To learn more about bioidentical hormone pellets, go to

For more information about Dr. Birken’s age management program, email at or call 281-419-3231