More Vibrant Skin – Naturally

PRP therapy uses your own blood serum to take the years away, so it is a totally natural product. Our medical professionals will enhance your own blood serum with platelets (also provided by you) and other natural growth agents. While PRP will provide striking results on its own, its effectiveness is dramatically improved through the use of the microneedle application process. Basically, this procedure allows you to grow new skin over the treated area. It will improve skin tone, reduce wrinkles, and tighten the treated area.

What Happens During My Treatment?

There is no pre-treatment regimen to follow. Once at our office one of our registered nurses will apply a gentle anesthetic cream to the appropriate areas. Then, using a small, hand-held device, the microneedles will painlessly create tiny channels in your skin. Once completed, your PRP serum is injected and applied topically to the same areas. The treatment generally takes about an hour.

Are There Side Effects?

Your skin will likely be red (like you have a mild sunburn). This condition can last for 12 hours to three days, but it is temporary.

When Will I See Results?

Clients usually see an immediate improvement, but will see obvious improvements after two to four weeks. Your skin will likely keep growing and rejuvenating itself for some time afterwards, as long as six months.

How Do I Get Started?

Call us today to set up your free consultation.