
Bioidentical Hormones and BioTE® Medical method of hormone pellet therapy for Women and Men

Declining hormones can lead to many different clinical problems: fatigue, poor sleep, decreased libido and sexual performance, weight gain and increased fat storage, mental fog, loss of muscle tone, aches and pains, and moodiness.

Bioidentical hormones can restore levels to optimal values usually creating more energy, better sleep, improved libido and sexual performance, fat reduction and weight loss, increased muscle tone, mental clarity, lessened body aches and pain, as well as enhanced mood.

Dr. Randy Birken, a board certified physician who specializes in bioidentical hormone optimization for men and women, embraces vitality and well-being, goals of age management medicine and restoration of declining hormones.

Dr. Birken has done post graduate training with the Cenegenics Medical Institute, Grossman Wellness Center, Worldlink Medical, and with the American College for the Advancement of Medicine.  He has been a Clinical Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas and has medical offices in The Woodlands, Texas and Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

To watch an archived online seminar given by Dr. Birken on interpretation of hormone lab values, age management medicine, and bioidentical hormones including  bioTE® Medical method of hormone pellet therapy, go to as well as

To learn more about the  bioTE® Medical method of hormone pellet therapy for women and men, go to

To find out more about Dr. Birken’s age management medicine, bioidentical hormones, and the SottoPelle® method of hormone pellet therapy for women and men, and Birken Medical Aesthetics of The Woodlands, call 281-419-3231 or email at

Bioidentical Hormones and the bioTE® Medical Method of Hormone Pellet Therapy in Houston and The Woodlands, Texas

With age, most patients become fatigued, gain weight, loss muscle mass and tone, sleep poorly, have more aches and pains, experience decreased libido and sexual performance, develop mental fog, and even moodiness.

“Declining hormones play a major role with these aged related symptoms,” Dr. Randy Birken, a board certified physician, said.  “Patient become frustrated and lose motivation, a major influence on vitality and a sense of well being.”

Dr. Birken customizes optimal hormone levels and uses many different forms of bioidentical hormones, including capsules, creams, and injections.  One of the most effective deliveries of bioidentical hormones is with the SottoPelle® method of hormone pellet therapy.

“Pellets provide a consistent and balanced delivery of hormones for men and women for many months,” Dr. Birken continued.  “Clinically, patients can experience increased energy, better sleep, improved memory and cognition as well as mood, lose fat and gain muscle tone, have less aches and pains, enhanced libido and sexual performance, and an overall improvement in health, motivation, and a zeal for life.”

Dr. Birken has been a Clinical Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas and has done postgraduate training with the Cenegenics Medical Institute, Worldlink Medical, the Grossman Wellness Center, and the American College for the Advancement of MedicineBirken Medical Aesthetics of The Woodlands is located in Steamboat Springs, Colorado and The Woodlands, Texas.

To learn more about Dr. Birken’s bioTE® Medical   method of hormone pellet therapy, go to and

To watch an archived online seminar given by Dr. Birken on Bioidentical Hormones and Age Management Medicine, go to

To find out more about Dr. Birken’s Age Management Medicine, bioidentical hormones, and SottoPelle® method of hormone pellet therapy, call 281-419-3231 or email at

BioTE Medical® method of hormone pellet therapy in Houston, Texas and The Woodlands, Texas

As we age, constant fatigue, weight gain, loss of muscle tone, decreased libido, restless sleep, foggy thinking, moodiness, and aches and pains may be caused by diminishing hormones.

“We see extraordinary transformations in many of our patients,” Dr. Randy Birken said.  “More energy, fat reduction, increase muscle tone, heightened libido and sexual performance, enhanced sleep, mental clarity, mood elevation, and reduced body pains.”

Dr. Birken is a board certified physician and has done post graduate age management training and bioidentical hormone optimization with the Cenegenics Medical Institute, Worldlink Health, and the Grossman Wellness Center.  He is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas and has medical offices in The Woodlands, Texas and Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

“It’s most gratifying to me, as a physician, to see such significant improvements in our patients.”

Dr. Birken uses the  bioTE Medical® method of hormone pellet therapy for consistent and balanced hormone delivery.   Each patient is evaluated thoroughly and hormone dosages and deliveries are individualized and based on specific physiology and metabolism unique to each person.

To learn more about bioidentical hormones from internationally known physician, Dr. Neal Rouzier, go to

To learn more about  bioTE Medical® method of hormone pellet therapy, go to

To find out more about Dr. Birken’s Age Management Medicine program, call 281-419-3231 or email at

Bioidentical Hormones for Fatigue, Weight Loss, and Improved Libido – Houston and The Woodlands, Texas

Many men and women struggle with chronic fatigue, weight gain, decreased libido and sexual performance as well as inconsistent sleep, foggy thinkg, and moodiness.

Hormones have a profound effect on our physiology as well as mental status,” Dr. Randy Birken said.  “Patients can struggle with weight gain, loss of muscle tone, as well as depressive and anxious mood changes in spite of eating well and exercising.  They become frustrated and give up on changing their lives.”

Dr. Birken is an age management medicine specialist and board certified physician.  He has done post graduate training with the Cenegenics Medical Institute, Worldlink Health, and the Grossman Wellness Center.  Currently, Dr. Birken is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas and has medical offices in The Woodlands, Texas and Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Both older individuals as well as younger adults benefit from bioidentical hormone optimization,” Dr. Birken continued.  “We see significant clinical transformations in most patients that include fat reduction, increased muscle strength and endurance, more restful sleep, improved motivation and energy, heightened libido and sexual function, as well as calmer and happier moods.  Overall, an increase in vitality and well-being as well as a decrease in the risk for chronic aged related diseases.”

Dr. Birken is an advocate of the SottoPelle® method of hormone pellet therapy which delivers a consistent and balanced level of  hormones for men and women.

To learn more about bioidentical hormones and the SottoPelle® method of hormone pellet therapy, go to

Dr. Birken has trained with Dr. Neal Rouzier of Worldlink Health – go to to listen to an interview with Dr. Rouzier.

To listen to an archived webinar given by Dr. Birken, go to

To find out more about Dr. Birken’s Age Management Medicine and Bioidentical Hormone programs, call 281-419-3231 or email at


Bioidentical Hormones for Men and Women in Houston and The Woodlands, Texas

While age can cause weight gain, loss of muscle tone, fatigue, poor sleep, reduced libido, moodiness, mental fog, more aches and pains, and lower motivation, younger men and women may experience the same symptoms as well.

“I used to see middle patients with lower hormone levels with these complaints,” Dr. Randy Birken, a board certified physician, said.  “But now we see younger individuals as well, especially women on hormonal contraceptives and men who are have poor nutrition.”

Dr. Birken is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas and has medical practices in The Woodlands, Texas and Steamboat Springs, Colorado.  He has done post graduate training at the Cenegenics Medical Institute, American Academy for the Advancement of Medicine, and Worldlink Medical.

“When hormone levels are compromised, patients experience significant reduction in quality of life, vitality, and sense of well being,” Dr. Birken continued.  “By optimizing hormones with bioidentical hormones, either as compounded capsules, creams, injections, or pellets, patients regain energy, sleep better, lose weight, heightened libido and sexual performance, improved mental clarity, increase in strength and physical endurance, and are happier overall.  The changes can be clinically dramatic.  And its important to individualized hormone dosages since each patient has their own physiology and metabolism.”

Dr. Birken offers the SottoPelle® method of hormone pellet therapy for consistent and balanced hormone delivery over several months.

To watch a video given by Dr. Neal Rouzier at Worldlink Medical, go to

To watch an archived online seminar given by Dr. Birken, go to

To find out more about the SottoPelle® method of hormone pellet therapy go to

To discuss bioidentical hormones and Dr. Birken’s age management medicine program, call 281-419-3231 or email at


Bioidentical Hormones and Bioidentical Hormone Pellets in Houston, Texas and The Woodlands, Texas

Bioidentical hormones offer an advantage over synthetic hormones – the ability to individualize hormone doses as well as mode of administration.  The SottoPelle® method of hormone pellet therapy is a popular brand of bioidentical hormones that provides a balanced and consistent levels for many months.

“Bioidentical hormones can help those who have low hormone levels,” Dr. Randy Birken said.  “Many experience an increase in energy, motivation, and mental clarity.  And, there can be a significant improvement with libido and sexual performance.  Even patients who have gained weight and loss muscle tone can see improvement with fat reduction and increased muscle mass.”

Dr. Birken is a board certified physician and has done post graduate training with the Cenegenics Medical Institute as well as Worldlink Medical.  He is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas and has medical offices in The Woodlands, Texas as well as Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

To view videos on bioidentical hormones and the SottoPelle® method of hormone pellet therapy go to

To find out more about Dr. Birken’s bioidentical hormone and age management programs, call 281-419-3231 or email at