Low Carb Diet May Reduce Pain with Osteoarthritis

From Medical News Today

“Our work shows [that] people can reduce their pain with a change in diet,” comments the study’s lead author.

“Many medications for pain cause a host of side effects that may require other drugs to reduce. The beneficial side effects of our diet may be things such as reduced risk for heart diseasediabetesand weight loss — something many drugs cannot claim.”

“Diet is a great way to reduce the use of pain relievers and to improve general health,” Sorge continues.

“Diet will never ‘cure’ pain, but our work suggests it can reduce it to the point where it does not interfere with daily activities to a high degree.”

Robert Sorge, Ph.D.

Among people who consume meat, popular low-carb options include “lean meats, such as sirloin, chicken breast, and pork.” Fish and eggs are also low in carbs, as are leafy green vegetables, including kale and spinach.

Cauliflower, broccoli, nuts, seeds, nut butter, coconut oil, olive oil, and dairy products are also good low-carb options. For those who wish to avoid animal products altogether, tofu and tempeh are great low-carb alternatives.