Medically Supervised Weight Loss with HCG and HCG Diet

Hormones play a major role with metabolism.  For many, losing weight and fat becomes more difficult with increasing age.

“By optimizing hormones, and by using HCG and the HCG diet, patients begin to lose fat and gain muscle,” Dr. Randy Birken said.  “That how you effective lose the weight and keep it off as well.”

Dr. Birken is a board certified physician, Clinical Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, and a Cenegenics Medical Institute doctor.

“HCG injection or the HCG sublingual dose, resets the patient’s appetite center.  Now with proper diet and effective exercise, one can lose weight and not lose muscle mass.  That’s the right combination.”

To watch an online seminar on weight management given by Dr. Birken, go to

To find out more about Dr. Birken’s physician supervised, natural, and healthy weight management program, call281-419-3231 or email at