
Bioidentical Hormones and Wellness

Decreased libido, chronic fatigue, poor muscle tone, inability to lose weight, difficulty sleeping, and overall compromised vitality can be related to age related declining hormones.

“Not only do patients feel well, but I know we’re doing something to reduce age related diseases as well,” Dr. Randy Birken, a board certified physician with the Cenegenics Medical Institute, said. “With better hormones comes clinical improvement. ”

By applying principles of integrative medicine, complementary and alternative medicine, and concepts of wellness and longevity, patients feel better and live better.  Bioidentical hormones can be administered in many ways including through Sottopelle pellets.

To view a TV news segment on bioidentical hormone pellets, click

To find out more about Dr. Birken’s age management programs, call 281-419-3231 or email at