
Labiaplasty and Cosmetic Gynecology in Houston and The Woodlands, Texas

Dr. Randy Birken, a board certified gynecologist and associate of the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Institute of America, offers labial reduction and vaginal tightening with laser surgery.

For women who have vaginal looseness and/or labial elongation, these procedures can restore anatomy and function to a pre-childbirth state.

Call 281-419-3231 for more information or email at

Labiaplasty and Vaginal Rejuvenation in Houston and The Woodlands, Texas

Many women develop vaginal looseness and elongated labia after childbirth, while others desire a more aesthetic labial pattern.

Dr. Randy Birken, a board certified gynecologist and associate of the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Institute of America, offers both laser vaginal rejuvenation and laser labiaplasty procedures.

Email at or call 281-419-3231

Age Management Medicine and Bioidentical hormones in Houston and The Woodlands, Texas

As we age, hormone levels decline resulting in age related problems: fatigue, weight gain, poor sleep, lower libido, loss of muscle tone, and poor memory.

By optimizing hormone levels, patients not only feel and look better, but may actually lower their risks for chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, strokes, arthritis, and dementia.

Dr. Randy Birken is a board certified physician and trained in age management medicine with the Cenegenics Education and Research Foundation.

To learn more about Dr. Birken’s programs, call 281-419-3231 for more information or email at

Bioidentical Hormones for Health and Wellness in Houston and The Woodlands, Texas

As we age, declining hormones can sometimes result in fatigue, poor sleep, decreased muscle tone, weight gain, and lower libido/sexual performance.

Dr. Randy Birken, a board certified physician who specializes in age management medicine, offers bioidentical hormone optimization for both men and women.

Email at or call 281-419-3231

Labiaplasty and Vaginal Rejuvenation – Laser Cosmetic Gynecology

Childbirth and age can disrupt pelvic support and muscles resulting in vaginal looseness and enlarged labia.  Dr. Randy Birken, a board certified gynecologist and member of the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Institute of America, can restore anatomy to a pre-childbirth state.

Dr. Birken trained with Dr. David Matlock in Beverly Hills, CA for these procedures.

“Cosmetic gynecology concepts incorporate laser surgical techniques to precisely correct defects, resulting in vaginal rejuvenation and aesthetic labia,” Dr. Birken said.

Email at or call 281-419-3231 for more information.

Artefill – Using the Longest Lasting Filler for a Non-Surgical Facelift

Not all dermal fillers are the same – Artefill, a combination of bovine and PMMA, lasts for 5-10 years and can be used to lift facial features that have lost support from aging.

“By restoring volume to specific areas on the face, collagen is easily injected to create a lift and reduce wrinkles,” Dr. Randy Birken, a board certified physician, said.  “Patients are delighted and leave the office looking 10-15 years younger.

To find out more information about facial rejuvenation, call 281-419-3231 for more information or email at