Bioidentical Hormones for Wellness, Vitality, and Longevity

Preventive medicine involves clinical applications of scientific principles to improve the health by optimizing cognitive, sexual, and physical appearance while reducing the risks for chronic diseases such as heart conditions, diabetes, dementia, cancer, and arthritis.

As a board certified physician with post graduate training from the Cenegenics Education and Research Foundation, Dr. Randy Birken uses integrative as well as complementary and alternative medicine principles that vitamins, nutrition, fitness, and hormones.  This can create a new vitality by decreasing chronic fatigue, weight loss, better libido, and sharper memory.

Suzanne Somers, an advocate for bioidentical hormones talks about the effect on her life – click the following link:

Dr. Birken also uses hormone pellets to optimize levels – To learn more about bioidentical hormone pellets, go to

For more information, email at or call 281-419-3231