Physician Weight Loss – Using HCG To Promote Effective Fat Reduction

For some individuals, losing weight in spite of proper nutrition and effective exercise, is a difficult goal.

“Physiology changes as we age,” Dr. Randy Birken, a board certified physician and Cenegenics Medical Institute physician, said.  “By using HCG, either as a daily injection, cream, or sublingual drops, metabolism may be changed favorable to accelerate fat burning.”

HCG hormone, along with diet and exercise counseling, creates an effective physician weight loss program.  Dr. Birken utilizes body analysis to progress loss of fat as well as improvement in muscle mass.  The proper ratio of muscle to fat is necessary to maintain weight loss without the yo-yo effect of crash dieting.  Natural weight loss with the HCG injections, creams, or drops is the goal of this program.

To view a video on the use of HCG, click the following link:

For more information about Dr. Birken’s weight management program, call 281-419-3231 or email at