Telomeres and Longevity

Telomeres and Biological age

Telomeres are maintained by the enzyme telomerase. This adds to the telomeres, preventing them from shortening as rapidly, thereby allowing the cells to live for longer. A good thing, perhaps, until we learn that cancer cells have increased amounts of telomerase, which allows them to continue dividing.
Telomere length has been likened to a “biological clock,” with shorter telomeres indicative of greater biological age. Several lifestyle factors have been associated with shorter telomeres. One is a lack of physical activity.

In one study, sedentary women were found to have telomeres that indicated they were biologically 8 years older than women of the same chronological age who exercised more.

Tobacco smoking increases the risk of many diseases, and it also accelerates the shortening of telomeres. A study found that telomere shortening was enhanced in the circulating white blood cells of smokers, increasing the rate of biological aging.

Getting insufficient sleep can also influence telomere length, shortening telomeres even in childhood, which may lead to impaired health.

All of these are linked to inflammation, which is associated not only with telomere shortening, but with a number of diseases that are more common in later years.

Other factors that decrease telomere length are stress, depression, and certain gene mutations, such as that which leads to progeria — a rare condition in which children age extremely rapidly and rarely live past their teenage years.

Many lifestyle factors that are associated with better health are also associated with telomere length.

A diet rich in legumes, wholegrain, and fresh fruit and vegetables, such as the Mediterranean diet, is positively associated with telomere length in several studies. The positive effects of the Mediterranean diet on telomeres may be due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Physical activity is advisable for general health, but the evidence for the effect of physical activity on telomere length is not clear-cut — although exercise is thought to be beneficial, the optimal exercise dose is unclear.

One study found that moderate exercise helps maintain telomere length, but the benefits decrease with excessive exercise; others found an effect only in people taking extreme amounts of exercise, such as ultra-marathon runners.

Other studies have shown that getting enough sleep, never having smoked tobacco, and avoiding stress may help preserve telomere length.
How to maximize your healthy life years
Although longer telomeres are associated with longevity in cells, the evidence is not conclusive that they are the key to longer, healthier lives. However, many of the lifestyle factors that reduce the risk of disease also result in longer telomeres.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) advises the following to promote healthy aging:

Get moving — according to one study, taking around 8,000 steps a day reduced mortality from any cause by 51% compared to taking 4,000 steps.
Eat a healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetable
Maintain a healthy weight — exercise and a healthy diet will help with this
Get a good night’s sleep
Do not smoke, or stop smoking if you are a smoker
Limit your alcohol intake
Get regular health checks
Look after your mental health by socializing and managing stress levels.

One researcher stated that, “While genetics play a role in determining lifespan, environmental and lifestyle factors also significantly influence an individual’s health and longevity. By making healthy choices and adopting a healthy lifestyle, individuals can reduce their risk of age-related diseases and improve their chances of living a long and healthy life.”

Longer telomeres may have some influence on your lifespan, but it is a factor you cannot control, and the evidence for their benefit is not conclusive. However, a healthy diet and lifestyle can increase lifespan and reduce the likelihood of disease even in those with a genetic predisposition.

While research into what is going on in our cells can give us pointers, the tools for healthy aging are largely in our own hands.