Dr. Birken On Great Day Houston With Debra Duncan – Hormone Pellet Therapy

Dr. Randy Birken was on the Debra Duncan’s Great Day Houston show on January 19th to discuss the SottoPelle® method of hormone pellet therapy.

“It was a excellent opportunity to enlighten the viewing audience about the numerous health benefits from the SottoPelle® method of hormone pellet therapy, ” Dr. Birken said.  “My patient, Carol, graciously volunteered to appear on the show with me and Dr. Gary Donovitz to discuss her clinical successes with the pellets.”

Dr. Birken is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine and a board certified and Cenegenics Medical Institute physician.

“I was able to discuss the improvements in energy, mental clarity, mood elevation, enhanced libido, better sleep, improved skin tone and texture as well as weight loss.  Carol affirmed her clinical responses with bioidentical hormones as well.” Dr. Birken continued.  “If there was more time, I would have talked my own personal health benefits with bioidentical hormones and that I feel better today at the age of 61 than I did twenty years ago!”

To view a recording of this segment from Debra Duncan’s Great Day Houston show, click the following link:


To find out more about Dr. Birken’s bioidentical/age management program and the  bioTE Medical® method of hormone pellet therapy, call 281-419-3231 or email at info@birkenmedicalaesthetics.com