HCG Diet for Physician Weight Loss Program

Attempting weight loss can be frustrating despite effective exercise and proper diet.
“The key is your ratio of muscle to fat,” Dr. Randy Birken, a board certified and Cenegenics Medical Institute physician

By using HCG diet and HCG hormones, patients can successfully lose weight while maintaining or even improving muscle tone. This changes the metabolic center in the brain and prevents regaining fat after losing the desired weight.

“Patients feel well and love the way they look. Great for self-confidence and self-esteem,’ Dr. Birken continued.  “This is a healthy and natural weight loss concept.”

To view a TV news segment regaring HCG for weight loss, click the following link:


To find out more information about Dr. Birken’s Weight Loss program, call 281-419-3231 or email at info@birkenmedicalasethetics.com