Natural (Bioidentical) Hormones for Men and Women

Is there a way to improve longevity and maintain good health as we age?  Is it possible to improve energy, sleep, libido, muscle tone, memory while losing body fat and increasing muscle tone?  And can the risks for chronic age related diseases, such as heart conditions, diabetes, stroke, dementia, cancer, and arthritis be lowered?

“By optimizing hormones, eating correctly, taking the right supplements, and doing effective exercise, a patient can have restored vitality and maintain appropriate physical, sexual, and cognitive function, ” Dr. Randy Birken, board certified and Cenegenics Medical Institute physician said.  “Using integrative as well as complementary and alternative medial concepts, patients can eliminate chronic fatigue, reduce weight, and enhance wellness.”

To view a video on bioidentical hormones, especially regarding hormone pellets, click the following link:

To find out more about Dr. Birken’s Age Management/Bioidentical Hormone program, email at or call 281-419-3231